Patrimonia is a device for creating serious games (serious games) in immersion for the discovery of heritage.

An adaptive interface
It offers the possibility of scripting a game from a graphical interface. Then you just need to compile it and customize the graphics wrapper at the code level. Additionally, it allows the player to navigate and make choices that lead them to different stages. These can be: automatic videos, images, 360 photos for a virtual tour, mini games, etc.
The Patrimonia interface adapts according to the game context. Thus, three contexts are possible: in situ using a mobile, or remotely: in desktop or mobile version. In addition, the player follows his route and his position in a map of the place. Finally, the scriptwriters can translate the game in terms of texts and subtitles: the player can then choose his language.
Realization for the UNESCO site of Le Corbusier
We have made a variation for the Coline-Notre-Dame-du-Haute, Unesco site of Le Corbusier. Indeed, it allows the player to chat with historical figures who have marked the place. The player then uses a time machine and fictional characters, played by actors.
The "Agent 001" game was produced under the direction of Thibaud Hulin, as part of a design research project. To achieve this, several student trainees from DUT MMI and professional license participated. In addition, the co-design work was carried out in collaboration with the Porterie de la colline Notre-Dame-du-Haut.
How to learn to make a serious game and get started in design serious games ? For this, we advise you to acquire our book Interactive storyboarding and serious games !
Reference for the design of serious games
Hulin Thibaud, "Co-design and interactive scripting of a playful experience", REFSICOM [online], Crossed perspectives on the experience, diffusion and interdisciplinary adventure of a concept, posted on May 06, 2021, consulted on Wednesday May 26 2021.URL:
In the 360° stages, the player can in the desktop version of the game see the site as if it were there.