The IRRIGATE project (vIRtual Reality for DIGital humAnitiEs) aims to develop training and the sharing of immersive experiences in the territory of Franche-Comté and is funded by the Franche-Comte region. Indeed, there are various immersive experiences: virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D, 360-degree virtual tours, games and immersive experiences... The research carried out at ELLIADD laboratory is part of a device design approach. This project promotes immersive culture towards local businesses and vocational guidance students.

Indeed, on the economic level, the virtual reality market is unfolding in a discreet but certain way. This concerns all areas. Health, training, industry, media, e-commerce, culture, environment… This project is being organized over three years. To your virtual reality headsets !
Virtual reality headsets over three years
The first year, a technician will develop immersive technologies for teachers. Trainers, researchers and local businesses will make up the pilot team. This will carry out experiments in the digitization and scripting of virtual content. The sites are varied: language lab, commercial shop, place of cultural or scientific heritage... Thus, it will be based on the Patrimonia project also worn by Thibaud Hulin, and which offers an immersive serious game device.
Then, the second year, we will work with teachers from partner training courses. It will then be a question of exploiting these tools to develop projects in their courses or within the framework of tutored projects.
In year three, the team will produce an immersive curriculum in digital humanities training. For example, a university degree (DU), or a course for the future University Bachelor of Technology (GOAL, ex DUT). We will also solicit license-level training managers. The targeted Masters are Master PSM and/or the Master's degree in Languages, Communication, and E-commerce.
To develop digital humanities in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region
This project is part of a broader research program on digital humanities training. So the HUMANE project, carried by the Innovation, Interdisciplinarity and Training Scientific Interest Group. It is aimed at a variety of audiences: schoolchildren, middle school students, high school students and students. It promotes interdisciplinary, inter-site and international development exchanges.
In conclusion, this research aims to determine methods allowing the definition of learning pathways. In addition, it aims to identify the cognitive processes in emission and reception at play in immersive situations. In addition, it develops transversal learning, critical skills and promotes professional orientation.