Experience design and writing (my super HDR!)

And here is my (super) Habilitation to Direct Research work: “Hulin, T. (2020). Interactive experience design and writing for digital media — A scriptural theory of experience applied to instructional design and the pedagogy of design (361 p.) [Mémoire de HDR]. CIMEOS, University of Burgundy-Franche-Comté.

Thus, you can consult HDR's brief below, or download these two documents:

Summary of the book

A Theory of Digital Media Experience

Tout d’abord, cet ouvrage pour l’HDR en sciences de l’information et de la communication propose une théorie de l’expérience des médias numériques pour l’aborder du point de vue de l’écriture numérique. D’une part, tandis que la sociologie des usages analyse la partie visible des interactions numériques sans intervenir sur elles, dans une perspective objectiviste, les études sur l’expérience, qui forment un champ récent dans les SHS, s’intéressent d’une part à la manière dont l’expérience des technologies numériques écrit en nous son istoire, tandis que nous laissons dans les machines des traces qui constituent à son leur une inscription, es deux types d’écriture étant indissociables. D’autre part, les études sur l’expérience abordent la manière dont les choix de design d’un dispositif technique entraînent des conséquences cognitives pour les acteurs de ce dispositifs.

A framework for studying interactive experience

In addition, our contribution aims to propose a framework for studying the interactive experience from the study of the cognitive processes that manifest themselves in the speeches of human actors during the evaluation phase of the devices, and that it is possible anticipate during the design phase. Indeed, we identify two types of cognitive processes related to digital writing: reflective and critical on the one hand, objective on the other. Moreover, we propose a stratigraphy of the interactive experience, inspired by the model of the three levels elaborated within the framework of the PRECIP project, which we discuss in particular in connection with the theory of the activity, the theory of the actor network and the methods of ethnomethodology or semiotics of screen writings.

Applications in the fields of training, culture and play

Then, after a presentation of this scriptural theory of experience, we propose applications of this approach in the following fields:

  • digital writing and design;
  • the search for information from traces;
  • a system for raising awareness and cultural mediation;
  • the design of a serious game.

Finally, we propose some lines of thought concerning the challenges of a collective reflexivity of digital writing for the design of public spaces.


  • Corinne Baujard. Reporter. University Professor, University of Lille, France.
  • Sung Do Kim. University Professor, Koryo University, South Korea.
  • Pascal Lardellier, Guarantor. University Professor, University of Burgundy, France.
  • Daniel Peraya. Honorary Professor, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Ioan Roxin. University Professor, University of Franche-Comté, France.
  • Aude Surrat. Reporter. Lecturer HDR, univ. Paris North Sorbonne, France.
  • Marcin Sobieszczanski. Reporter. HDR Lecturer, University of Nice, France.
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