As'teacher and researcher specializing in digital humanities, je produis régulièrement des ressources pédagogiques pour aider les étudiants à mieux se former avec les technologies numériques. J’interviens sur des domaines variés : le design d’expérience, l’administration de sites web, le référencement, la communication avec les réseaux sociaux, la production de jeux ou d’application multimédia, la recherche d’information, l’épistémologie, l’e-commerce, parfois le code informatique…
Anyone who works in a digital ecosystem knows how necessary it is to constantly learn and constantly renew oneself. My first ambition is not to transmit knowledge or to be a model to follow. It is rather to provide opportunities to grow to learners. And my second ambition is to insist on the concepts, the control of which ensures the development of high level skills : fundamental skills on which other more operational skills depend. This approach avoids insisting on recipe-type procedures. These give the impression of know-how at the time. However, they do not allow the learner to evaluate in a real digital ecosystem.
This article presents my approach and project to provide resources to train in digital communication.
A constantly evolving digital ecosystem
First, we need to stop calling digital technologies “new”. On the one hand, they have been distributed to the general public since the end of the 1970s. It was thus in 1981 that IBM launched the first personal computer. D’autre part,au XXIe siècle, les technologies ne cessent d’évoluer en lien avec des besoins changeants des populations. Se former à la communication digitale dans une société connectée, c’est donc se former à la communication tout court ! Comment dès lors s’y retrouver ? Le savoir acquis aujourd’hui n’est-il pas périmé demain ?
In the digital field too, knowledge can be preserved
With the development of continuous training, companies and employees recognize that knowledge is a precious resource. They are also aware of the importance of training their employees throughout life. However, which company will agree to train their employees each year in Office 2020, 2021 and then 2022? Moreover, if such a training cycle is not envisaged, it is because the employees have acquired lasting skills. They are capable of autonomy. They can face new situations, which have not necessarily been covered in training. In short: they are acquired high-level skills. Thus, the higher the skills, the more they will be able to embrace different situations. And the lower the skills, the more immediately they will be operational, repeating situations already covered.
Design and pedagogy at the service of the digital humanities
Ultimately, the acquisition of high-level skills linked to effective routines is the foundation of employee productivity. It is this pedagogical approach that we favor, centered on the cognitive specificities of the human brain. OUR pedagogical approach is based on the acquisition of schemes or concepts related to practice. Our approach is intended to be at the service of the human: turned towards the general interest, towards respect for human specificities. So we believe like the project approach, the appropriation of real situations, the approach of conception by design, work by deliverables, the strong link between theories and practices. Admittedly, digital communication can be diverted and manipulated, the human being instrumentalized. On the contrary, we advocate an ethical approach, centered on the respect and integrity of users of digital devices.
On this site you can order several books on digital communication in the Bookstore section who embrace this approach.