“I like to share my knowledge with the younger generation, learn from them how the world moves and help them progress.
I want to promote training and research on design, writing and digital humanities, promote critical thinking and fight against discrimination.
Let's learn and search together!"

Biography of Thibaud Hulin
I am a teacher-researcher, lecturer authorized to direct research (HDR) in information and communication sciences, in the laboratory ELLIADD from the University of Franche-Comté.
First of all, I teach digital communication as part of the LEA Master's degree in Languages, Communication and E-commerce, at UFR STGI, Montbéliard site.
In addition, I am a philosopher by training. My doctoral thesis focused on the transmission of know-how in the history of ideas. Subsequently, I was a researcher and developer at the LIRIS computer laboratory, University of Lyon I.
I was then a lecturer at the University of Montpellier, at the LIRDEF laboratory.
Puis j’ai été enseignant chercheur à l’université de Bourgogne, au laboratoire CIMEOS, et en tant que chef du département au DUT Métiers du Multimédia et de l’Internet à l’IUT de Dijon-Auxerre. Je suis entré en September, 2020 at the University of Franche-Comté.
In addition, I am a founding member of the office of the Scientific Interest Group "Innovation, Interdisciplinarity, Training" (GIS 2IF), which brings together 9 laboratories. Thanks to this federative research structure, I co-lead the “digital humanities and education” research project (HUMANE / #HN_education).
To our that my Habilitation to Direct Research, supported the December 15, 2020, is entitled: "Design of experience and writing for digital media: a scriptural theory of experience applied to instructional design and the pedagogy of design".
I carry or am involved in many research projects that you will find in the category Projects of this website.
Among these, I am carrying out an important project to promote research on language learning: it involves creating a start-up that can help as many people as possible improve their learning of English.
Finally, you will also find here information about my educational books on digital communication.